Saturday, May 24, 2008

Barb Davis White for 5CD

I decided to meet the Republican's 5th Congressional District's candidate for U.S. House: Barb Davis White. In 2006, when the 5CD was an open seat, Alan Fine ran. He made attacks on Ellison his primary issue, which was a mistake because one could not remember what Fine stood for. I was also unable to meet him and find his perspective on energy.

Keegan's Irish Pub is located in Northeast Minneapolis. It is located just north of downtown and has a very fun and unique environment. An interesting fact is that it is the first and only Irish Pub Concept pub in Minnesota. The Minnesota Organization of Bloggers ( MOB ) meet there Thursdays around 7 P.M. They can easily be found to the rear of the building, outside and thereby easily accommodating smokers.

My primary mission in getting to this event was to discuss energy with Barb Davis White. She is a very charismatic person and definitely someone you can instinctively trust. But her answers on energy are from a perspective that is quite prevalent in America: one that refuses to change to fit a new reality.

I first stated that I was a blogger who is specifically focused on Peak Oil. She does not believe in the concept of Peak Oil, brushing of years of American oil production falling ( since 1970). What I think that many Americans are concerned about is "when it runs out" and it NEVER will. What is important is whether you can afford the last trillion barrels of oil. And America is only beginning to understand that it can not afford as much oil as it used to.

So, within the scope of not believing in oil as a finite resource, her answers to our energy problem are quite symptomatic of an addict: drill ANWR, process tar sands, build nuclear power and create a French model electrical system. Basically get as much energy as possible as soon as we can.

I have issues with these solutions, but I also do not want to see our society collapse. As much as I oppose any measure that would create more nuclear waste, Barb claims the French found a solution in re-processing them. I will have to read further about this, as I thought America just wanted to stuff all this waste in Yucca Mountain for the next 10,000 years.

When we talk about ANWR and shale oil, we are talking about very expensive oil also. Expensive for biodiversity and expensive for topsoil. While again, if society were to collapse these may be required. But we have to realize that these are temporary solutions to a long-term dilemma. Politicians are very often for status-quo and against radical change in a societal paradigm.

Discussing with Lynne Mayo about Barb's solution to Peak Oil: "ANWR and Shale oil." Her response: "Did you say she would end the war and share the oil?!?" If only this Freudian slip were true!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I think that talking about fuels and oil is an important matter because It is one of the issue which is the reason of wars and disputes between various countries.