Sunday, February 12, 2006

Sweden versus Minnesota in renewables... ( guess who's winning?)

It seems Sweden is VERY serious about kicking the oil habit - prior to peak oil production even. Interesting how a responsible an proactive government can actually improve the lives of a country long-term. Of course in America we sell ourselves to short-term interests - mortgaging the future generations standard of living. Example - the Minnesota Republican party:

"State Capitol lobbyists recently received a two-page invitation to a fundraiser for the House Republican caucus, signed by the influential chairmen of two House committees.

The letter listed the Republican majority's "accomplishments" for regulated industries, which included such pro-industry goals as blocking renewable-energy standards, and a reminder that the same issues will be before the committee in 2006." - Star Tribune 8-Feb-06

And even the House Speaker states: "I probably wouldn't have written the letter that way," Sviggum said. "I can tell you with absolute certainty that it is not pay-to-play in our Legislature."

SURE it isn't pay-to-play. All Republicans want to abort any attempts to increase the amount of renewables produced by our state. DFLers highly support the bill - along with ONE Republican:Rep. Dennis Ozment ofRosemount. (You GOPers are pathetic.)

Sen. Ellen Anderson, DFL-St. Paul wants 20% of Minnesotan electricity to be renewable by 2020. Proponents say that fast-rising fossil fuel prices and public concern about global warming will help their cause and that almost 90 percent of Minnesotans back the principle of relying less on oil. Renewable energy accounts for about 2 or 3 percent of Minnesota's total, Anderson said, and the state imports a greater percentage of its electricity than any other state. ( Star-Trib )

Currently Sweden produces 26% of their electricity from Renewables and plan to be oil-free by 2020. It goes to show that politicians can talk all they want about being "energy independent" - but they must actually invest in that goal. I have seen too many Republicans tout this theme - they can make plenty of statements but I prefer action to words.

With such a pathetic track record - and with few Independent Republicans left - I must turn my back on considering the local Elephants.


A little note on Independent Republicans:

The Independent-Republican Party (I-R) was the name used for the party from November 15, 1975 until September 23, 1995. The party added "Independent" to its name after the Watergate affair in an attempt to distance itself from the national party. During most of the 1970s and into the early 1980s more moderate leadership prevailed within the party, but the party gradually grew more conservative. Several more moderate Republican candidates and officeholders have now left the party (including former governor Arne Carlson and former U.S. Senator Dave Durenberger), with some of them moving to the Independence Party of Minnesota, which considers itself a centrist party.

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