Friday, November 18, 2005

Cutting student aid

The bill to cut $50 Billion in spending passed 217-215 . Would they be cutting so much if they weren't spending ridiculous amounts on our "wars?"

There are some politicians who think that student aid is not important enough to consider funding. Isn't it ironic that we are the ONLY post-industrial nation that doesn't allow its citizens free access to post-secondary education? Oh well, join the ARMY right?

Well this is how Minnesotans voted(to be updated as votes not all listed online):

Yes ( to cuts):
Gilbert W. 'Gil' Gutknecht (R )
John P. Kline (R)
Mark Kennedy ( R)

Jim Ramstad ( R)
Betty McCollum ( DFL )
Martin Olav Sabo ( DFL )
Collin C. Peterson ( DFL )
James L. Oberstar ( DLF )

( Bill Number: HR 4241 ; 18 Nov 05 )

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